The Alewife
Alosa pseudoharengus
Learn about our local fish that spends most of its life in saltwater, and then migrates upstream to spawn in freshwater!
More Alewife Videos
Mark Cappellino and Rory MacNish of Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County Marine Program's Podcast on river herring called Alewife.
Byron Young of the NY State DEC is interviewed about the history of the Fishway Committee and Fish Ladders of Suffolk County.
Alewife Activities + Family Resources
Upside Down Alewife Drawing Exercise
Hold not sit on your head!!! I am sure we could all use some brain silencing and good quality zoning out time! Here is one way to do so while sharpening your observation and drawing skills.No, there is not a printing issue...yes the picture of alewives swimming up river is upside-down and that is how we are going to draw it! We are not looking for perfection; this is an exercise like in PE build strength! Avoid identifying parts of the fish or other objects in the image, think of them as lines and shapes. You WANT TO ZONE OUT! Start with one of the lines at the top of the image. Take your time, relax and follow that line to its end or if it intersects another line follow it and draw that line next. Work in small sections following main lines and branching off areas image. Stay focused in the area you are working in.If you get lost or make the wrong line, just stop. Figure out where you are and where you have to go, and begin a fresh line where it seems logical.Once finish with the drawing turn it & the original right-side-up and compare! Laughter is encouraged!! The more you do this exercise the better you will become at zoning out, I mean drawing!!! -Carolyn Munaco, CCE Art + Science Educator