Marine Debris
Marine Debris Activities + Family Resources
Marine Debris- Fast Facts
Learn some fast facts about the things that “trash” our ocean, otherwise known as marine debris.
Marine Debris and Sea Turtles- Early Education Activity
Learn about sea turtles and then help them find the right food to eat! Pre-K-Kindergarten
Marine Debris- Scavenger Hunt
Try our Early Education scavenger hunt activity about marine debris that can be done inside your home! Recommended for Grades K-2
Student and Teacher Resources
Microplastics- Tiny but Powerful- Early to Mid Education Activity
Try this early education activity where your child learns about microplastics and bioaccumulation. Includes counting and read and respond questions. Grades 1-4
Ghost Fishing- Middle Ed Science Activity
Learn about a type of marine debris that is a real problem in Long Island Sound, and what CCE scientists and former lobstermen are doing about it.
Art Projects
Marine Debris Assemblage
Marine Debris Assemblage Instructions (printable)