Welcome Campers!

We're sure you are just as disappointed as we are that we can't return to Marine Camp this summer, but we hope you enjoy the Camp Kit we put together just for you! Here, you’ll find several videos that supplement the activities in your kit. Before you get started, check out some special welcome messages below – you may see some familiar faces!

Each day, you will return to this page to “Explore More” and watch a short video clip that correlates to your daily schedule of activities. You can also explore the rest of the Digital Education page for free activities any time you want! And don’t forget to scroll to the bottom of this page to view all of last year’s summer camp videos!

Hopefully we can all reunite next year, but until then stay safe and never stop learning about, loving, and giving back to our marine environments.


Sea Adventures

Welcome message from Camp Director Christine Tordahl!


Bayside Adventures

Welcome message from Camp Director Hazel Wodehouse!

Marine Discovery Program

Welcome message from Camp Director Mark Cappelino!


ArtSea Camp

Welcome message from Camp Director Carolyn Munaco!


Explore More!


On Monday, you’ll be learning all about pollution and get to conduct your own local neighborhood cleanup! Watch this video to see how CCE Marine works to remove abandoned lobster pots from our local bays.

Since 2010, Cornell Cooperative Extension's (CCE) Marine Program has conducted several research projects to remove derelict/abandoned lobster traps in the Lo...

Cornell Cooperative Extension Marine Program is helping to develop a network of people to monitor Horseshoe Crabs. The goals are to annually monitor spawning...


On Tuesday, you’ll be exploring habitats and conducting your own backyard habitat survey. Watch this video to learn about our horseshoe crab monitoring survey and how you can get involved in citizen science projects!


Wednesday is all about water! Why don’t fish sink and why is water important? Watch this video to learn all about rain gardens and how CCE works with local schools to improve water quality- it may even inspire you to plant your own rain garden!

Cornell Marine works with the Suffolk county Stormwater Management Program to help reduce pollution through education. We visited the Mary G. Clarkson School...

The Peconic Land Trust was given Widows Hole property in 2012 by ExxonMobil, the preserve was once a storage facility operated by the company from the mid-19...


After your family’s beach trip, watch this video to learn about how CCE Marine Program restores local shoreline habitats!


Happy Friday! After conducting some erosion experiments, watch this video to learn about our Coastal Habitat Restoration Project and how CCE restored natural shoreline after devastating storm damage.

In conjunction with Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County, The Shinnecock Indian Nation has undertook a project aimed at restoring and strengthenin...

CCE Marine Camp and Youth Education Videos 2019

Here are some videos from camps from past years as well as our Youth Education team.
You may see some familiar faces! We hope to see you all next summer!

Check out our Sea Adventures Summer Camp. To learn more about what we do and our other programs and projects go to: http://ccesuffolk.org/marine
Check out our Sportsfishing Education Center in Babylon NY and our Sea Explorers Marine Camp. To learn more about what we do and our other programs and proje...
Check out our Sea Stars Marine Camp! To learn more about what we do and our other programs and projects go to: http://ccesuffolk.org/marine

CCE Marine Educators aren’t only camp counselors! They also provide Marine Education Programs to schools, community groups, libraries and many other locations throughout the year on Long Island.

Be Adventurous!